Sunday, May 3, 2009

Spying on Authors: a wannabe editor goes undercover

This weekend I attended a Christian writers’ conference, at which the average attendee had a good 25 years on me. But I stood out for another reason: I don’t write.

Amid the mostly middle-aged women with their manuscripts, I had my eyes on the Simon Cowells of the conference: the editors. These guys send the thousands of rejection letters that dash the publishing dreams of writers everywhere. But win them over, and your book might see the light of Borders.

Throughout the conference, one thing became clear: hundreds of writers face a market that demands not only verbal artistry, but a marketing platform of speaking engagements, a loyal blog following, and “personal branding.”

While I don’t have the fortitude or creativity to be one of them, I left the conference with a new appreciation for authors. Writing comes slowly to me, and marketing my ideas sounds terrifying. But standing behind a great idea and becoming an advocate for that unpublished book —that’s why I want to join those “bad guys” known as editors.


  1. yes definatly! like the dark side of the force!! talk about learning to be a simon cowell...and your studying in brittan too!! haha, great to have you at my table. Im excited to hear of your adventures in the UK
