Sunday, October 11, 2009

Goodbye Academia, Hello Retail

As I was catching the bus into town today, a sign caught my eye. It was an advert for my university touting "education for livelihood" rather than "education for life."

My English-major heart cringed at this, because I still believe education means more than the top line of your resume. But I admit, the vocational focus here has been a welcome change.

I'm studying publishing, which, let's face it guys, is all about SELLING BOOKS. Yes, hopefully they are quality products that will enhance someone's life. But at the end of the day, publishers care as much about the bottom line as any other company. And after 6+ years of studying literature, I find that oddly refreshing.

My courses are Editorial Management (finding/refining books that will sell), Design & Production (making them look good), and Marketing (convincing you to buy them). So not much of an ivory tower here. But of course Oxford has enough mystique of its own. Yesterday was beautiful, so I took my books to a nearby park and stretched out on the grass. This was my view.

So yes, I'm finding that livelihood and life combine quite nicely.


  1. I love South Park. The view on a nice day is so lovely!

    I find livelihood and life combine quite nicely too. :o)

  2. Wow, that's gorgous! I find myself quite nostalgic for my collage days. And your classes sound fascinating. Wish I could sit in.

  3. It's good to hear that you are enjoying it. the picture is GORGEOUS.

    Also, good to hear that you are finding learning the trade refreshing. Vocational schooling is different, but sometimes a change of pace is necessary. You know me, I'm all about balance. I'm sure you will work to find the balance between your ivory tower and liberal arts focus and the vocational focus the program offers..
