It has been too miserably long since I've written to attempt a proper catch-up, so I'll just jump right back in media res.
I'm sitting in the computer lab right now finishing my last bits of coursework for the year. Freedom is nearly here, and I intend to fully enjoy the summer holidays. However, my thoughts are beginning to turn to what I'll do in September, when my major project will be finished and I'll find myself facing the world beyond Oxford.
One of my many hypothetical plans is to get a publishing job in Scotland. (I visited it for the first time over Easter and can definitely see myself living in Edinburgh.) BUT I just discovered a rather discouraging article that said one of the very publishers I was interested in (St Andrew Press) is "on the brink of closure." There is a glimmer of hope, however, in that one of the executives of Publishing Scotland said the industry "is moving to digital, publishing on demand, or the internet and blogs."
Maybe this MA in Digital Publishing degree will be enough to earn me a spot in Braveheart country?
wow, nearly there! Digital publishing is the way to go. I have an e-reader and love it even though I am an ardent fan of actual printed paper. Are you heading home for the summer or staying over?
ReplyDelete"The road goes ever on..." you keep stepping into new and exciting places, friend! A spot will open up for you, God-willing :)