The time in Frankfurt (my first trip to mainland Europe) was great. The book fair itself was very eye-opening as to the sheer size of the industry. It was also humbling being in a country where I spoke the foreign language! I've never really appreciated just how central language is to identity, both personal and national.
So returning to England was a homecoming on several levels. The nearly two months I've been here have flown by -- I can't believe it's November. Last weekend I went to the seaside with the postgrad group from my church. It was great hanging out with everyone in the beautiful scenery and goofing off. Let's just say there was an impromptu performance of "The Lion Sleeps Tonight." And real American s'mores. (It was funny seeing the British people try them..."what's a graham cracker? Is it like a digestive?")
Coursework is starting to get intense, which makes breaks all the more important. One friend has set up a Wednesday pizza and movie routine--so far we've devoured Dominos and watched Shawn of the Dead (hilarious) and V for Vendetta (perplexing).
Today was my first time in a Starbucks since moving here. It was dark and miserable outside. Rain coated the streets. Then I stepped inside and the familiar red cups and warm lighting instantly welcomed me home. They were playing Viva la Vida.
And just another reason England is awesome: the baristas here ask if you want your drink for here or to go. My friends and I sat in big comfy chairs drinking Toffee Nut Lattes out of REAL MUGS!

Does that happen in Seattle? I think not.